Sunday, July 11, 2010

Twist in Babajee’s tale; Vora, Viveka where not just friends

Gautam Vora boyfriend of supermodel Viveka Babajee who was found dead under mysterious circumstances on June 25 claims that he and Viveka Babajee were only ‘good friends’, while her family on Sunday released photographs, emails, chat transcripts and Facebook updates sourced from her online accounts as proof of their alleged relationship. Alleging Gautam Vora misguided the police and the media, the family said he should “reveal the truth” about what happened during the couple’s last meeting, before she committed suicide.
In a press conference at Oshiwara, the said materials were released by family friend Dale Bhagwagar which they accessed from Babajee’s gmail and Facebook accounts, which, according to the family, confirm Babajee and Vora were “a couple in love”. The photographs released by the family show Babajee and Vora posing together at various locations, one of them being Goa. In the alleged chat transcripts between Babajee and Vora, he has professed to ‘love her’, ‘miss her’.
The sms and the mail reveal that Vora plead, fought like a lover and said words like love you, miss you and addressed viveka as ‘love’.
When it came to be known that Viveka was in love with a guy named Gautam Vora, the Police and media began to collect further information in the said matter.
At this time, Gautam Vora is said to have immediately deleted his Facebook account. After this, he was reported untraceable for two days. When he emerged on the scene, it came to be known that he had applied for anticipatory bail.
Gautam strongly denied any serious relationship with Viveka Babajee, stating, they were just “good friends” and nothing more. In propagating this, he was aided by his friend Viren Shah, who also gave several statements and media interviews denying that Gautam and Viveka were ever in love.
Both Gautam and his friend Viren stressed in their interviews that Viveka Babajee was “depressed” and thus committed suicide. This ‘depression theory’ was doing the rounds so strongly for the first few days after her demise, that even the Police seemed to have been influenced by it.
But after Viveka’s funeral, Chautha and last rites were over, through common friend Mr Jatin Kumar, Viveka’s family requested media professional Dale Bhagwagar to intervene and put forth some hard facts in front of the media, on their behalf.
Dale as the family’s spokesperson revealed that contrary to the belief about Viveka being depressed, she was very cheerful, motivated, courageous and inspiring, till suddenly the news of the mishap was heard.
According to her mother Mrs Dayawanti Babajee who stays in Mauritius, Viveka had discussed her boyfriend Gautam several times with her, and told her mother that Gautam had proposed, and she had agreed to marry him. Viveka had also made Gautam speak to her mother once over the phone. According to her mother, Gautam had asked Viveka to go for a fertility test to see if she could bear him a baby and also that the couple had matched their horoscopes and were happy that most points, except one, had tallied.
But even after these disclosures, through his friend Viren Shah, Gautam Vora continued to deny his close proximity to Viveka.
With the cooperation of Viveka’s technical advisor and administrator, her family has managed to access her Gmail as well as Facebook accounts, which point towards the fact that the couple was not just friends, but love-birds.
Apart from various emails which indicate that Gautam Vora was madly in love with Viveka, there is also photographic evidence which further signifies their relationship as a couple in love.
The Babajee family feels that this new evidence, which they have managed to procure from Viveka’s Gmail and Facebook accounts, should leave no doubt that Gautam had lied and misguided, both the police and the media, about the nature of his relationship with Viveka, while spreading the ‘depression theory’ after her death.
In Viveka’s Gmail account, the Babajee family has also found some other shocking obscene photographs which Gautam had sent to Viveka from his BlackBerry phone. But since these photographs are disgustingly pornographic in nature, we haven’t made them public.
Because of the material records available in the said matter, and after scrutinizing the statements made by Gautam Vora, as is appearing in the media reports, it largely appears that Gautam Vora is hiding the truth, for reasons best known to him.
Therefore, the Babajee family requests Gautam Vora to immediately approach the police and come out with all the truth about Viveka. Without further delay, they also want Gautam Vora to confess to the police about what exactly happened in the last meeting on the night before the incident, because from his behaviour, it seems that there is much more than what meets the eye. The Babajee family wants Gautam Vora to come up with the truth and nothing but the truth, about the death of Viveka Babajee.


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