Saturday, July 31, 2010

E-mail is part of the standard TCP/IP set of protocols.

E-mail is part of the standard TCP/IP set of protocols. Sending messages is typically done by SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) and receiving messages is handled by POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3), or IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol). IMAP is the newer protocol, allowing you to view and sort messages on the mail server, without downloading them to your hard drive.

Though e-mail was originally developed for sending simple text messages, it has become more robust in the last few years. Now, HTML-based e-mail can use the same code as Web pages to incorporate formatted text, colors, and images into the message. Also, documents can be attached to e-mail messages, allowing files to be transfered via the e-mail protocol. However, since e-mail was not originally designed to handle large file transfers, transferring large documents is not allowed by most mail servers.

Online communications between computer users. The most frequently used communications tool on the Internet. E-mail allows you to communicate with one or thousands of users in less time and for less money than it takes to communicate with another person via traditional mail services.

Electronic mail transmitted between millions of users connected on networks worldwide. Messages are exchanged instantaneously, usually at zero marginal cost to users, thereby saving greatly on national or international telephone and express mail fees. Messages may be stored in computer files and processed at a user's convenience. Precautionary advice is given under ActiveX.

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HostingPalace has the innovative webhosting technology to implement in the web hosting domestic market. The web hosting Panel provided by HostingPalace as control panel of your domain is one among the best in the current market. It is your domain control panel, from where you manage all aspects of your domain and its contents. The domain control panel provided by web hosting company has been designed with the intention of making it easier for an individual to even act as a domain registrar possessing an authority to register a domain for self or for its clients and every now and then on the basis of requirement he can modify the web hosting account with every new update hence the domain resellers can benefit from such technology with the authority to register domain for its clients. It has become more user-friendly and more reliable.

When you access your web hosting account, everything you need is available right there in hosting panel or domain control panel itself.

The main tools available within your panels let you do the basic domain and webspace administration required to keep your website in order. You can set or reset your login details, ftp details and email accounts from web hosting control panel. You can access and maintain all your databases from your web hosting control panel as well, review basic statistics of your website, check your bandwidth use, check which scripts are supported, block certain IP addresses(depends on the web hosting package terms) from accessing your website, check for and clear up viruses, make a backup of your entire site, and other general maintenance actions, or grooming, of your domain.

If your web hosting plan allows it, you can actually set up different domains within your single account and control them all through your hosting or domain control panel.

Within your webhosting panel, you will more often than not find a handy little extra applications called file manager. It is what made easier for a client to deploy website files in webspace without taking the help of ftp account.Inbuilt feature of webhosting panel helps doing so, and this brilliant tool really comes as a handy element for hosting resellers who in this case every now and then need not have to memorize or search for ftp login information for different domains of its clients . It is not restricted to limited upload or download. One can deploy unlimited files in its webspace using the feature however restricted to limited upload in some online software at one time due to unavailability to browse for unlimited files. Bandwidth doesnt get much affected with such move and unlimited upload and download can easily be taken into process(incase the package has unlimited webspace and bandwidth facility).

Some hosting panel has the feature of adding java applications separately to its webspace package. As java is an important and widely used application most of the web hosting companies will make it sure the compatible features to enable the java application resides in the online software or control panel.

Many web hosting companies have added online shopping application in its webspace packages which helps clients to add up the application to its website at ease rather swaying the process of manipulation and editing. These comes free nowadays with web hosting packages. Most of the web hosting companies have included such applications for free in its web hosting package to let their client get benefited for hosting web applications.

HostingPalace has started providing free search engine submission for its 2 years old clients.Based on the demand of our clients which they are looking to get for free along with their web hosting i.e webspace packages HostingPalace has stated implementing this technique to help our clients to submit their website URL for free in over 8 lakh search engines.

In the age of interconnectivity, business communication has to be efficient as it has to be also effective. Formerly, businesses relied on paper and ink to communicate with customers and clients. But, with Web and Internet technologies, most businesses have shifted to a more efficient means of communication: email. Traditional, paper-based business communication still keeps its place in the business world and is still being used by many companies in combination with electronic communications. Yet, many other companies have decided to go absolutely paperless and rely on email hosting service for their electronically assisted business messages.

The Web and the Internet have made many different ways for people to communicate with each other. Foremost among the many new communication channels is email, although one can argue that email technology is no longer that new. Businesses connected to the wired world primarily use email to communicate with employees, clients, and customers. But, more than that, businesses use email as one way to etch their names on the Internet's virtual wall. Because of such important uses of email to business enterprise, many companies avail of email hosting services for their communication needs.

The concept of email hosting is really easy to understand, even though the process and system involved may sound complex. Simply speaking, email hosting is the business of enabling people to use email through the email hosting provider's email servers. Many people subscribe to email hosting services for either personal or corporate use. Large-scale companies that have the means and human resources often install their own email servers and provide the service internally. Small-sized companies, however, cannot afford the costs of an internal email hosting service, but they can subscribe to an external email hosting service.

Email hosting providers today number by the hundreds, or even a few thousands. This means that you have hundreds of providers to choose from. Each one of them provides, at the very least, basic email services such as composing messages, accessing emails, replying to emails, attaching files, keeping a list of contacts, storing calendars, spam prevention, antivirus protection, and so on.

Cutthroat competition is one clear characteristic of today's email hosting industry. Each email hosting service provider--just like any other business enterprise--always wants to lead the pack. The most popular strategy that email hosting providers use is that of tiered subscription plans catering to specific needs of diverse subscribers. For example, competitive prices are available for different subscription plans; such pricing strategy can effectively make a tight-budget company easily choose the least-priced plan with the most features suited to its needs.

Price does not wrap up the story. The packaging of services and features also offers an opportunity for an email hosting provider to get a bigger cut of the market. Many email hosting providers offer several extra features and add-ons to their subscription plans in the hope of enticing customers. For example, collaborative tools may be included by an email hosting company in its least-priced subscription plan so that prospect customers will choose the company over another.

Today's email hosting service providers offer a more cheaper and better option than internal email hosting. If you subscribe to an external email hosting service, you and your employees can already communicate through email and can even access your emails through mobile devices. Finally, getting your own domain name and subscribing to email hosting service will make your email address passively advertise your brand or company name.

HostingPalace has also worked on mail Hosting technology for companies who have improved their businesses through email hosting.

Outlook configuration steps

From the Tools pull-down menu select the Accounts option.

Select the Mail tab.

Select Add and then Mail from the list provided.

Follow the instructions provided by the wizard.

Incoming mail (POP3 or IMAP) server
This is typically your domain name, for example

Select either POP3 or IMAP
If you are unsure which to select, we recommend you select POP.

Outgoing mail (SMTP) server
This is typically your domain name, for example

Account Name
This should be your e-mail user name, for example bob for an e-mail address of

This is be the password you associated with the Account Name above.

Click More Settings.

Check the My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication box. Use the same settings as your incoming mail server for SMTP-Auth.

Microsoft Outlook Express Configuration steps

Start Outlook Express and select Accounts from the Tools menu.

You will see a listing of all the different accounts that you have Outlook Express configured to use. Click on Add and select Mail... to add a new email account.

The Account Wizard will start up and guide you through the configuration process. Use the following information from your Virtual Server when prompted by the wizard.

When prompted for your E-mail address, enter your username at your Host domain name (for example, username@MY-DOMAIN.NAME

When asked for your Type of mail server, select either POP3 or IMAP.

Use your Host domain name for the Incoming Mail and Outgoing Mail servers.

Use your username as the POP account name.

Use the password associated with your account username as the Password.

When you finish with the wizard, it will return you to the Internet Accounts window. Your e-mail account will be displayed. It is now ready to receive e-mail via POP or IMAP

Highlight the account and click the Properties button. The Properties Window displays.

Click the Servers tab and select the My server requires Authentication box at the bottom of the window. Click the Settings button, the Outgoing Mailserver window displays.

Select Use same settings as my incoming mail server and Click OK. Outlook Express is now configured to send e-mail via SMTP.

A mail server is an application that receives incoming e-mail from users and outside senders and forwards outgoing e-mail for delivery. A computer dedicated to running this type o f applications is called a mail server. Microsoft Exchange, qmail, Exim, postfix and sendmail are one of the basic mail server programs.

The mail server works collectively with other programs to make up what is sometimes referred to as a email messaging scheme. A messaging system includes all the applications necessary to keep e-mail going as it should. When you send an e-mail message, your e-mail program, such as Outlook or Eudora, forwards the message to your mail server, which in turn forwards it either to another mail server or to a holding area on the same server called a que to be forwarded later. As a rule, the system uses SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) or ESMTP (extended SMTP) for sending e-mail, and either POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3) or IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) for receiving e-mail.

For our definition of an email server we provide mail servers either shared or a managed dedicated IP servers for small business, home business or corporations to contact their customers via email marketing. No type of marketing costs less than email. email beats, coupons, mailers, newspaper, radio or TV by a mile.

Each computer directly connected to the Internet has at least one specific IP address. However, users do not want to work with numerical addresses such as but with a domain name or more specifically addresses (called FQDN addresses) such as

It is possible to associate names in normal language with numerical addresses thanks to a system called DNS (Domain Name System).

This correlation between the IP addresses and the associated domain name is called domain name resolution (or address resolution).

Computers connected to the Internet (or an intranet) use a numeric addressing system to locate other computers on the network. This numeric addressing system requires that each computer connected to a network have its own, unique numeric address called an Internet Protocol (IP) address. IP addresses are represented by a string of numbers separated by periods, for example Machines, of course, have no problem using these numerical addresses. People, on the other hand, find it easier to use and remember addresses if they are familiar, brief and meaningful (e.g.,

Since computers on the Internet must use numeric addresses, an intermediary system is needed to translate a domain name (e.g., to its corresponding IP address. The DNS facilitates these translations.

The Internet's DNS infrastructure consists of a distributed system of name servers. Each name server knows about some part of the overall name space, and can find its way to other parts of the name space. When a mail server needs to map a domain name to an IP address, it starts by asking its local name server, which may then ask one or more remote name servers for help in finding the answer.

The DNS stores a number of items of interest to mail servers. An address (A) record maps a server's host name to its IP address. For example, using Bind's notation:

MX 10

When you send an e-mail to, your local mail server receives the message and then searches for the IP address of's mail server. This is a two step process. First, it looks up the MX record for, which identifies the name (A record) of the server that handles mail for the domain. Next, it looks up's (A record) to find its IP address. Your local mail server then establishes a connection with the host and transfers the message to's mail server.

Having an alternate mail host can save the day if your primary inbound Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) host gets knocked out, even for a short time. This fallback MX host receives mail for your site when your primary MX host is unavailable, queues your mail, then forwards it to your primary MX host when your site is back online.

If you haven't set up a fallback MX host, and your MX host or network goes down, mail for your site will queue up on many servers throughout the Internet. This is likely to cause problems when your mail service is brought back online.

If you don't know which mail servers have been queuing mail for your site, you won't know whom to notify once your service is brought back online. Since manual intervention may be required to "flush" your queued mail, it may sit on these servers for a long time before it is sent to you. If it sits there long enough, it may even be bounced.

Once your primary MX server comes online, the queued messages it receives will not arrive in chronological order, since different sites will flush their queues at different times.By using a fallback MX host, you know where to find your (serialized) mail if your primary MX mail server crashes or becomes unreachable. Choose your fallback MX host wisely. It can be onsite, offsite, or both. An offsite fallback MX host is less likely to be affected by a catastrophe that disables your own system or network, but requires a cooperative, reliable partner. An unreliable fallback host may be worse than none at all, since it may lose your mail if it's not managed properly. Your fallback host must have enough capacity to spool your mail, possibly for days.



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