Sunday, July 11, 2010

Bipasha becomes the tweeting bird now

And finally the fans of our oomph lady Bipasha Basu have the reason to celebrate. For, the dusky beauty has now joined the Twitter bandwagon, thus adding more glitter to the star-studded micro-blogging site.
Quotes the actress’s first tweet, "Hello guys! late entry in twitterverse but nevertheless am here now. A big thank you to all my fans for helping me become who I am 2day (sic)." When buzz came that Bips has entered the Twitter zone, she earned nearly 15000 followers within seven hours of her entry.
Bipasha was later welcomed by her industry’s near and dear ones, among who was Abhishek Bachchan. Reflecting his usual jovial side, the actor tweeted to her, "@bipsluvurself please welcome my 'sautan' bipasha.... fyi John still likes me more! Haha." Here, Abhishek was referring John as his ‘Dostana’ partner. While Bipasha tweeted back saying, "Thank you for a warm welcome my dear sautan, and the cutest and the naughtiest co-star of mine."
As a matter of fact, Abhishek had his first screen test with Bipasha. "To clarify, my 1st ever screen test was with Bipasha, but that film never got made. She's been a friend since," revealed Abhishek.


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