Friday, September 3, 2010

Starter for Learning Adobe Photoshop

Browse the WHO study hard and are diligent in asking why a better person than the person knowingly WHO but did not know.

Viewing topics, Adobe provides complete documentation in the help system accessible to HTML-based applications. Help system includes information on all application tools, commands, and features for Windows and Mac OS systems.

Using Windows Help

The help window is divided into two frames: Navigation frame on the left and right frame topics. In order to Navigation, click one of the Following links are underlined:

* Help Use to return to this introduction.
* To see the help table of contents.
* Index to view index of help.
* Site Map to see all the titles and the index of Help topics in a single list.
* Search to find topics That contain specific text.

To display the help topic within the framework of topics, click on the link in the Navigation frame. For example, click the link in the table of contents to display the appropriate topic.

To resize the frame, drag the vertical border Between Them.

Navigating in the help topic

Click the Following link Which is underlined in order to browse Help Topics:
* Prior to display the previous topic in Help.
* Next to display the next topic.
* Top to jump from the bottom to the top of a topic.
* Cross-references to other topics to display the referenced topic. topic links
* Parent at the top and bottom of the topic MOVED into the hierarchy of help topics.
* Related subtopics in the list at the end of the topic.

How to Use Content
Contents contains links to all the chapter headings in Help.

To search for topics with content:
1. Contents Click on the Navigation frame.
   Chapter titles within a frame link Appear Navigation.
2. Click on a title in the Navigation frame.
   Related topics Arise in the context of topics with links to all relevant subtopics.
3. To display the clicks, its Subtopic links.

* To scan both levels in the Help topic, click the chapter title in the contents one by one. Every time you click on the title in the content, the subtopics That Appear in the frame topics.
"To see a list of all help topics, use the Site Map.

Using index
Index entries containing the keyword followed by a link to the topic Nowhere the entry was discussed.

To search for topics by using the Index:
1. Index Click on the Navigation frame.
   Letters of the alphabet appears at the top of the Navigation frame.
2. Click on a letter in the alphabet.
   Entries for the letter That appears below the alphabet, followed by a link number for Each occurrence of an entry in the Help.
3. To display a topic for this entry, click on one link at the end of the entry numbers.

* If you use Internet Explorer or Netscape 6, Can you display the title of the link by pointing to the target (without clicking) on the numbered links. The title appears below the pointer.
* Entries That Appear in more than one topic has a link doubles.

Using Sitemaps, Site Map contains links to all topics in the Help and all entries in the Index.

To search for topics by using the Site Map:
1. Site Map Click on the Navigation frame.
   Site map appears in the Navigation frame.
2. Site Map Scroll Until you see the title of a topic of interest or index entry.
3. To display a topic, click the title or the link at the end of the entry index number.

Using the browser's Find command, Can you search for text in all the headings or index entries in the Site Map. To do this, click on the frame, Navigation, and then use the browser Find command to search for text on the current page. If your browser to find text, scrolls to display the Site Map. Can you then click the link to view the topic.

Using Advanced Search, Use Search to find all topics That contain certain words.

To use the search, you need Javascript enabled in your web browser. If the link does not Appear in order to search for Navigation, check your browser settings.

To search using Search topics:
1. Click Search on the Navigation frame.
   Search text boxes and buttons Appear in the Navigation frame.
2. Type the word you want to find and click Search.
   Links to topics contain the search words That Appear in the Navigation frame. The topics most likely to contain the information you want on the top of the list.
3. To display a topic, click the title in the search results.

Search Details
* If you type more than one word separated by a space, the results cover all topics That includes the words you typed. For example, if you type "Adobe Photoshop," includes the results of Which contain both the topic "Adobe" and "Photoshop" anywhere in the title or content of the body.
* This feature does not search-derived words. For example, if you search for "image" search will from not match the "image" or "imaging." Also, if you search for "image" search will from not match "image."
* Not case-sensitive, so "Photoshop" Is the Same as "photoshop."
* Which includes the game in on their title Ranked higher in search results. Also the total body content matches the topic ranking.
* Search feature to ignore all punctuation characters except periods in words and underscore.

Stop words
Filter search feature (and ignore) the words you type very common in the Search text box. Often Called stop words, common words usually do not Improving search results. Examples of stop words include "," "the," "peace," and "Pls." In Addition, the search feature and ignore the one-two-character words (except the two-character words including digits).

For example, if you type "work with color management" in the text box, the search does not include the word "with" and displays a page That contains the "work," "color," and "management."

Web browser requirements, help systems using frames and JavaScript to display a topic. Hi, Can not see or navigate within a topic, make sure That your web browser meets the minimum requirements.

To see Help with care:
* Use Netscape Communicator 4.75 and later or Internet Explorer 5.0 and later on the Mac OS and Windows.
* Create JavaScript enabled.
* Setting your browser to always accept cookies.
* JavaScript does not work reliably Pls viewing in Netscape Communicator Chinese, Japanese, or Korean pages. If you have problems, use Internet Explorer.
* If your browser on a Macintosh running out of memory, Increase the preferred memory size of the browser.
* If the text Difficult to read Because it is too small, Increase the browser's default font size.
* To use Different fonts for help text, change the browser's default font.

How to Access Help feature

HTML-based help system is accessible online Providing easy navigation, as well as easy reading using third-party readers compatible with Windows. Here is a Help feature That makes it accessible to the public and vision-motion-challenged:
* Alternative text for images. All images on Assistance to include alternate text.
* All links Provide context. All links including information about the target of a link (usually the title of this topic). In the index, this information is encoded in the TITLE attribute of links, Some screen readers using text links instead.
* All information conveyed with color is available without color. For example, all links are blue and underlined.
* Standard tags representing the hierarchy of information. Topics to be formatted using standard HTML tags (eg, H1, H2, and H3) That shows the hierarchy of information.
* Style sheets control formatting. Topics That do not contain embedded font tags. The system must help the functional if you use your own style sheets or change the font size and style you are using a browser.
* High Contrast Between Foreground and background colors. Black text on white background give high contrast display.
* Site Map. All topics in Help appears on the Site Map.
* All frames include a meaningful title. Screen readers use a title to Provide context.



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